Screened Porch – 4Kids
Kids Place Boca, which is maintained through the generosity of donors, could be greatly improved with the addition of a screened-in porch so that the children can enjoy the outdoors more, especially during the hot summer months, in a comfortable atmosphere, free of unwanted pests. They love playing outdoors. They are very active, and love spending time with each other.
Global Humanitarian Mission seeks your help on behalf of these at-risk children in our local foster care system, as we have come to learn of their most immediate needs.
Project Code : 0002GM
Altitude Performance Retreat
Palama Settlement, a local non-profit, community-based social service agency, has for 127 years been serving the Kalihi and Palama neighborhoods of Honolulu, Hawaii.
Their focus has been building up those with the greatest needs in this region, creating a wide range of educational, recreational, athletic, cultural, social, health, and community-building programs and services for children, youth, adults, and senior citizens.
Such is the impact of Palama Settlement on the lives of underserved individuals here, that professional athlete, Allex Austin, a Hawaiian from these parts, was drawn right back to his roots where he seeks to make a difference – and is partnering with Palama Settlement.