global humanitarian mission

Project Code : 0001UG

Raising Up Struggling Households

This is a program to provide affordable credit and low interest loans to households and villages for small business, livestock and agricultural investment.

Project Code: 0003UG

Raising Up The
Buyuge Cluster

GHM & RTV’s program will support households to secure basic needs, improve quality of life, and build long-term and equitable community driven initiatives so they can focus on income generating activities, learning new concepts, and planning for their futures

global humanitarian mission
global humanitarian mission

Project Code : 0002UG

Teaching Teenage Mothers & Pregnant Girls a Trade while Completing their Education

With your help the Second Chance Project provides that each young girl will be housed with their baby, taught a trade, sewing while going to school to complete their education. Babies are cared for and will benefit from improved nutrition, sanitation marginalized young girls who are homeless, having been abandoned by their families and forced into HOMELESSNESS, EXPLOITATION AND ABUSE